Frequently Asked Questions
You’ll be qualified to work as a Life Coach and Master NLP Practitioner in the realm of Holographics, Family Systems and Energetics.
The program will give you the skills to:
work one-on-one with clients
work with clients face-to-face and virtually
facilitate group training and events
create workshops and online programs
speak at events and present on-stage
become a thought leader
write powerful posts, blogs, books, etc.
You’ll also learn how to help clients resolve:
ineffective stories and codes from childhood
source wounds
painful and restrictive repeating patterns
limiting beliefs
addictive behaviours
low self-worth and self-esteem
lack of clarity and purpose
fear of success, failure and abandonment
self-sabotage and stagnation
low lifeforce and emotional fatigue
poor boundaries and leaky energy
relationship and communication patterns
plus much more!
You can participate online if you’re unable to attend our face-to-face training weekends as these sessions are recorded live. They’re also available via video replay at any time. Plus, you’ll receive course materials and access to our portal and in-course support coaches – which are all available online.
The program runs for 4.5 months. Our intake for 2021 starts in August and runs through to mid-December. You have access, however, to our online portal with all the content and materials for 1 year.
The first 5 modules are delivered via 5 x live face-to-face weekend trainings (for online these are live-streamed and replays are also available). Following the live weekends are 10 x weekly calls consisting of: 5 x Coaching Mentoring sessions covering Modules 6-8, and 5 x Coaching Masterclass sessions.
The program will help you on both levels. While we cover everything you need to create a successful coaching business, we first teach you the tools to becoming an epic coach!
Around 75% of our program is dedicated to making you one of the best coaches in the world by equipping you with the deepest toolbox and skillset available. We do this because we know that when you’re confident in yourself and your abilities as a coach (repeatedly creating transformational results for clients) it will be far easier to sell yourself, position your business and call in ideal clients.
If we simply focused on the business side and didn’t teach you how to trust yourself as a coach, you’d lack the integrity and authenticity to claim your place in the world as a masterful coach.
If you feel called to help support others in the world, that’s what really defines whether you can become a coach. What’s important is the desire, intention and consciousness of this calling. The rest can be learned through training, as our program will empower you to embody and bloom so that your fruits can feed others in the world.
Through the program, we’ll help you discern your tools of magic and understand what makes you masterful in your own unique way. We’ll also help you finesse your way of bringing about change in the world.
We know there’s a need for an army of coaches, as all our graduates will ultimately occupy unique niches by calling in different audiences they resonate with. One coach isn’t suitable for all clients – so there are people out there needing your specific type of magic!
Even if you don't want to be a coach, the program will gift you the broadest and deepest awareness of your own patterns. This will empower you in the areas of:
change management
conflict resolution
mediation and negotiation
improving and developing relationships
personal life mastery and transformation
It will also help you align with your true purpose and powerfully propel you forward without the blocks of your own limitations. You’ll become embodied through the process of using the coaching tools, which will cleanse your channel and open you back into your wholeness to reclaim your power in the most potent ways – making you stronger in your uniqueness.
We recommend leaving space for the fact that although you might not want to become a coach going into the program, you may end up wanting to coach in your own unique way once on the flipside (just like our founder, Marina Perry, discovered for herself!).
Absolutely! Coaching is one of the most profitable professions in the world right now because:
more people are waking up to the importance of self-development and are clearing away limitations and blocks they’ve inherited through conditioning and life experiences
forerunners in the coaching industry have paved the way forward, meaning that many people now have a better understanding of what a coach is and how they can help.
There’s never been a better time than now to become a coach. The internet and accessibility to digital platforms make it easier than ever before to establish a coaching business, reach clients and make money in a fulfilling and powerful way.